Sunday, November 27, 2016


火曜日のごご はちじはんに バスで Indianapolisに いきました。そのあと くるまで インデイアナしゅうのGreencastleに いきました。DePauwで かれに あいました。水曜日 かれと いっしょに 日本ごのべんきょうして 、Ghost Adventuresを みました。

木曜日 Depauwのちかくのレストランに かれと いっしょに いきました。レストランのなまえは Mama Nunzです。Mama Nunzのしょくひんは  おいしいでした。
Image result for Mama Nunz

私の休みの日は とても たのしくて、おもしろいでした!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

My Weekend!

今週末の土曜日 日本ごのべんきょうして、日本ごのしゅくたいをしました。そして がくしょくに ひるごはんを たべに いきました。ピザのひるごはんを たべて、日本ごのおんがくを ききました。そして りょうのへやに かえりました。へやで Janieさんのともだちに でんわを かけました。そして、Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stoneのえいがを みて、じゅにじに ねました。

Monday, November 7, 2016

American vs. 日本 Homes

Well hey there! Today were going to be comparing the differences between Japanese homes and American homes. One difference from that I noticed was the lining up of the shoes at the front door. Typically that's not really done in American houses. I believe the reasoning for doing this is simply Japanese etiquette. Also, some  American houses are carpeted compared to Japanese houses where it seems that most of them have wooden floors. Lastly, a difference I noticed is where the dishes were kept. Usually, American houses place their dishes in cabinets above the sink or on a rack beside the sink compared to a Japanese home in which they keep their dishes in a whole separate closet with a sliding door.

Now, here's an explanation of what my room is like (fair warning, there's not much to it).

わたしのへやは Pangborn Hallに あります。へやの中に すくえと ベドが あります。とこどき りょおのへやに テレビが あります でも、わたしのへやに テレビが ありません。つくえの上に ベドが あります (This looks similar to a bunk bed but instead my desk is underneath)。ときどき へやのつくえで しゅくだいを します でも、たいてい へやのベドで しゅくだいを します。

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Halloween せんしゅまつのどようび!

せんしゅますは とても いいえですよ。Eddyまちに いきいました。ノートルダムのフートボルゲームに いきいませんでした。Eddyまちに Blaze Pizzaで ピザを たべました。そして、りょおに かえりました。わたしのりょおは 大きいですよ。でも、わたしのりょおのへやは とても ちいさいですよ。そして、わたしのへやで Netflixを みました。そして、ねました。

Sunday, October 9, 2016

My Hometown, Houston!

こんにちは みにさん!So, today everyone is going to get a bit of insight into my hometown, Houston!

テキサスしゅおのヒューストン から きました。ヒューストンは とても おおきいです でも わたしのうちは とても ちいさいです。NASAは ヒューストンに あります。ときどき ヒューストンは りっぱです。わるくじゃありません。ヒューストンは とても すきです!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Katakana Adventures!

こにちは!So, many of you probably do not know but I am a HUGE Spongebob fan! Spongebob is near and dear to my heart. It was one of the very shows that I fell in love with as a child and ever since I've stayed in love. Unfortunately, I heard Nickelodeon is planning on cancelling it this month which totally breaks my heart! So, in honor of one of my favorite childhood cartoons here it is:

Seems like Japan likes Spongebob as well! That's so amazing. If you haven't seen Spongebob or haven't seen it in a while then I would definitely recommend seeing a few episodes! And if Spongebob isn't your thing then try another one of my childhood favorites!
Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

My Wonderful Weekend

せんしゅうまつ ふとぼるが ありました でも いきませんでした。せんしゅうまつのどよおびに ふりすびが ありました。そして、ごぜん さんじに りょに かえました。そして ごぜん さんじはんに ねました。せんしゅうまつのにちよおびに ごぜん はちじはんに おきました。LaFortuneで すたばのこーへー のみました。そして としょかんで にほんのべんきょしました。

Well, there's my weekend for you! I'm sure there's probably some mistakes in there but I'm getting there! Thanks for reading :)

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Just a brief reflection (:

I just wanted to say how much fun Japanese has been for me. For sure, I have definitely struggled every once in a while in this class but all is well! I've met some awesome people who have helped me along the way and are incredible people to hang out with! I've been having so much fun so far so I can't wait for more to come! This most definitely includes meeting new people, making new friends and getting way better at Japanese along the way.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

My Daily Routine!

Well hello there and welcome back to my blog! As you can tell from the title, I am going to give you a bit of insight into my daily routine in にほんご。Yikes! So please excuse any mistakes! I'm getting there!

わたしは まいにち おきます あして あさごはんを たべます。くらすにきます。ひるごはん たべません。くらすにきます。ばんごはんを たべます。しゃわあを あびます。しゅくだいを します。べんきょおします。にます。

This isn't the best but I've totally made so much progress. I can't to learn more!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Image result for spirited away gif

So, as many of you can already tell, I'm a huge Studio Ghibli fan. By far, one of my favorite movies from Studio Ghibli would have to be Spirited Away! If you're unfamiliar with the movie I'll give a quick description (although I could go on about it forever!). The whole movie revolves around this little girl named Shiro. Shiro and her family are moving and are on their way to their new house when they accidentally get lost. After getting lost they stumble upon an abandoned place that they assume is simply an abandoned theme park. However, soon after they enter the place Shiro's parents eat some food and then end up turning into pigs! Before Shiro knows it she's stuck in what actually is the spirit world and begins her journey to finding out what happened to her parents and how to get them back. It's truly a wonderful movies! Everyone should definitely give it a chance!Here's a link for the trailer if anyone is interested:
はじめまして!Sierraです。 わたし わ あめりかじんです。いちねんです。せんこ わ しんりがく。どぞ よろしく!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Hello everyone! Or should I say, konnichiwa?

As I said before, hello everyone! Or better yet, konnichiwa. Watashi wa sierradesu. Not sure if that's written correctly but hey, it's the thought that counts. Anywho, my name is JoAnn Sierra and I'm a psychology major here at Notre Dame. As many people have, my beginning interests in Japanese began with watching a multitude of anime (maybe too much sometimes). However, this was just the beginning. I think as I watched on I began to develop a certain fondness for the culture and traditions that were portrayed in these shows, although I'm sure that there are some things that aren't quite true to the Japanese culture. As this interest grew I began to search videos of real people on trips and adventures in Japan and became totally entranced. Although I'm sure there are many things I still don't know about Japanese culture I am extremely enthusiastic about learning more!